79. Uncharted Territory in Special Education
Mar 24, 2022I have done many episodes on different areas and important things you need to know about special education, today, I am going to specifically talk about some of the misconceptions parents often have about special education.
The school doesn't develop your child's IEP. An IEP is developed by a TEAM and it has nothing to do with what is or isn’t available at your child’s school but instead, it has everything to do with what YOUR CHILD’S needs are.
Your child does not have to be in a self-contained classroom if they qualify for Special Education. Many students with IEPs are in general education classrooms with their peers and they don't ride the "short bus".
You must determine if the existing goals have been met and the only way you can determine that is by the data AND if the student has not mastered the goals, they should not just be just taken off the IEP and different goals written.
This and so much more in this episode...
If you want to learn more about special education be sure to check out all of the benefits in our Private SISTERHOOD.