44. Building a Better Connection with your Child

podcast Jul 08, 2021

So many of us, including me, struggle to figure out HOW to connect with our kids.  Feeling like we don't have a bond and sometimes even questioning if they are capable to "really" love us or if they would miss us if we weren't here tomorrow.  I know those thoughts, because I have had those thoughts so if you have had those thoughts, this episode is for you!

Talk to them even if it doesn’t seem like they want to, just be sure to choose the times of the day when you know it would be best for them

Give yourself permission to not be interested in what they want to talk about without it meaning something about you as a mom

Set boundaries for yourself and have expectations and consequences that you are willing to follow through on 

Choose your battles and decide what is important based on your family values and stick to it

Get out of your comfort zone and routine and DO or GO someplace different

Take time to just BE with your child without any expectations